Who we are

About The Youth Development Champions Project

In 2011, the first iteration of the Positive Youth Development Aotearoa (PYDA) resource was published. Its contributors were amongst Aotearoa’s youth and health sector greats- researchers, sector experts, youth workers and rangatahi themselves.

It explores the confluence between the various approaches to Positive Youth Development documented in local and international literature and the grassroots experiences of young people and organisations in Aotearoa.

In 2020, we decided it was time to update the original resource.

This was to better reflect the current practices in PYD, including the cultural models and ideas that are imperative to supporting the development of young people in Aotearoa. True to the origins of the resource, this second edition was also a sector collaboration.

Alongside this new edition, we also launched the Youth Development Champions Project (YDCP) to train and implement the PYDA across a range of sectors and continue the development of Positive Youth Development in Aotearoa.

The YDCP successfully trained a range of people across the motu in the PYDA's outcomes and approaches, and we will continue to grow and develop our reach and impact.

In 2024, a refresh was made to the PYDA and the wider champions’ identity to ensure they were accessible and fit for purpose. Essentially, the framework suggests that both informal and formal initiatives, activities and programmes intentionally weave connections by integrating two key outcomes and adopting three key approaches;
Key outcomes:
  • Developing the Whole Person
  • Developing Connected Communities
Key Approaches:
  • Strength-based
  • Respectful Relationships
  • Building Ownership and Empowerment
YDC is a range of training sessions and resources that provide practical, empowering guidance, connecting those in roles that impact young people with those who have knowledge and experience in Positive Youth Development.
The Youth Development Champions Project is a partnership between The Wayne Francis Charitable Trust and The Collaborative Trust

If you are keen to find out more, get in touch.

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