Te Ara Whakamana

Te Ara Whakamana: Mana Enhancement assists problem solving by supporting co-construction of plans for positive behaviour change that are shared. Kaumatua, kuia and elders are invited to assist in providing local knowledge of land, culture, history, beliefs and practices (whakapapa and tikanga) to ensure local relevance and resonance.

Te Ara Whakamana: Mana Enhancement is a circular tool that uses colours, imagery and metaphors of the Māori creation story to explore the uniqueness of the individual, their mana (spiritual authority, true nature) and their world.

To ensure resonance and ownership, the model is designed to be adapted to fit the many iwi, hapū and whānau belief systems and stories as well as those from other cultures.

Te Ara Whakamana: Mana Enhancement is supported in both indigenous and western science research. The model is implemented through training as a system change approach.

Designed and developed in Aotearoa, the tool employs a culturally centred framework for a strengths-based conversation that explores who we are, where we come from, our sources of strength and resources, and how we face life’s challenges. The framework of the model provides structure and positive cultural relevance to assist in self-awareness, selfregulation and reflection. This process creates opportunities to do something differently, in a new and sustainable way, in order to manage crisis escalation at an early stage.

Mana Potential Model

The critical component lies in the capture and recording of the voices of rangatahi, which become the platform from which to engage with key people such as social and support workers, psychologists, police, judges, teachers, whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori. Across agencies, the mana of rangatahi is enhanced through the sharing of strategies and plans that are created ‘by’ instead of ‘for’ them.

The engagement, the model and plans, and the shared support network, work to uphold a positive cultural identity, develop emotional literacy, promote behaviour change, strengthen relationships, reduce stress and improve health and wellbeing outcomes for all involved.

Further reading